What is Key club?

Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service to others. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities. Key Club has approximately 260,000 members in approximately 5,000 clubs. Key Club is represented in 37 countries.
Click here to check out the Key Club International website! ↓ ↓ ↓
Kiwanis International is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time.
Kiwanians are volunteers changing the world through service to children and communities. Kiwanis members help shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, mentor the disadvantaged and care for the sick. They develop youth as leaders, build playgrounds, raise funds for pediatric research and much more. No problem is too big or too small. Why? Because working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.
Check out their website! ↓ ↓ ↓